Enmedio 101
Enmedio 101 is a personal, gentle and honest journey to the inner human being. The inside of an uninhabited old house. The inside of the photo-graphs viewer. The inside of what was and will be no more. There are so many perspectives when you contemplate the images as different viewers. As many ways of watching them as inner nooks has the viewer. Realism, abstract expresionism... tributes and reminiscences without intention.
To enjoy the trip the author recommends humility, naivety and reflexion skills. The photografied spaces are magic, they contains the magic of decadent spaces and the courious sight that make us try to discover something else in the images. The magic of realizing that these images evoques the esence of real life.
The author honours with this project his aunts memory and their and his familiar house in the Enmedio Street, 101 house number.